

Designed a new look for the new Vinaj Ventures website as one of 2 UX/Ui designers. Primarily analyzed competitors, created visual designs of the layout, and used Webflow to bring the website to life. Lastly I communicated with stakeholders, and developers to gain feedback and integrate back programs to the website.


UX/UI Designer
Webflow Designer
Motion Graphics

Project Type

Company site site redesign


2 months


After Effects
Cinema 4D

Design Process



The goals for the new design of the website were to Attract customers to sign up for the Startup Pipeline, sign up for Investor Readiness Workshop.


Enterprise Client, Healthcare, and Aspiring Entrepreneurs



Competitor Analysis

With the goal and audience in mind I started off with some competitor analysis of other Venture and innovation companies. I looked at 13 companies and had some take aways from their visual design.


- Light and soft colors to give a healthcare feel

- Organic shapes help make it feel human without the human image

-Simple Motion graphics gave a small wow factor

-Pops of color for important segments visually helped guide my eyesinteractive parts of the website make things more rewarding to read


To Create our theme I created a mood-board to figure out what the visual language would be. the goals were to identify which fit  visual design the reflected the key words of  Innovation, Calm, Trustworthy.Our audience were Enterprise Client, Healthcare, and Aspiring Entrepreneurs


After showing the mood-board around I asked some of my co-workers to pin what caught their eye the most. To help narrow down the themes I only allowed them each one pin.


Based on conversations and shooting around Ideas, I decided to create some design concepts. I used Cinema 4D and after effects to play with clam waves, and soft gradients. Each Design had some sort of motion, and could exist as a still.

Initial thoughts and feedback

To test them out and gain feedback I used Google forms to gain insights and had connected with the other designer to decided waht teh next steps were after had a good idea what the compeny wanted


The waves and gradients worked really well, the colors were working, and the organic motion was something that could be improved. So with the feedback in mind. I made a new themes that would dictate the look and feel of the website


The new website was to bring a new modern theme of innovation, and venture, and creating visually pleasing assets and interactions was going to help.

After receiving the written content for the new website, I worked on different layouts to display the content of the website. With some of the assets from the older website of the layout available to be I wanted to see how else they could live on the new site.


Now that I had some idea of how the content would live on the layout I created a new wave theme that combined the colors, and motion of the most voted concepts.

I wanted to make a simple and clean look that would be flexible through out the other pages of the website.

Check out the
website for yourself!